How to Compliment A Nice Beard

Growing a beard is a tedious process, especially if you do not have god-given luscious facial locks. That is why complimenting a nice beard is a fantastic way to connect with someone.
Everyone loves a compliment. It creates a positive energy that connects both the giver and the receiver. It also has a lot of benefits, like motivating people to work harder and do a great job.
Psychologists point out that compliments can make the person giving out the praise happier and if a compliment can make a person smile, all the better for it. After all, smiling can also burn calories. Overall, it creates a positive environment and benefits everyone.
Here in our bearded community, wonderful compliments are something that we can’t get enough of! Women get to be complimented often on their hairstyles, but men's beard styles should be complimented too.
Now, if you don’t know how to compliment a guy’s beard, don’t worry. We went online to our favorite shaving communities to find out how bearded men would love to be applauded and how you can have a nice beard worth the praise.
Seven Tips on Complimenting a Nice Beard
Know someone with an excellent, jaw-dropping beard style? Show them some love through these lovely complimenting tips:
Try Using Adjectives like Magnificent, Awesome, or Majestic
Telling a guy that his beard looks excellent or any similar adjective can make his day. It takes hard work to groom a beard in line with popular facial hairstyles. Not only do they have to prep it up, but they also have to carefully spend time trimming the beard lines and excess facial hair with a straight razor.
There’s also proper post-grooming maintenance, like applying shea butter, jojoba oil, and avocado oil, for healthy beard growth. That’s why guys with facial hair are very proud of their beards. A genuine compliment will light them up and put them in an excellent mood for the rest of the day.
Ask Him Some Tips
For guys, complimenting a bearded bro by asking him for tips on how he maintains his awesome beard is one way of getting him to be your friend for life. Nothing will make him prouder than being able to share his grooming secrets or convert you into becoming a beard aficionado.
In online shaving communities, sharing grooming tips is a time-honored tradition. It helps strengthen the bond among beard enthusiasts. And if you make it a water cooler topic in your office, we guarantee that you’re going to have lots to talk about during your break.
Tell Him He Resembles Tony Stark
Or Aquaman, or Black Panther, or whoever blockbuster superhero his beard resembles. Beards are having a resurgence in Hollywood. That’s why many celebrity actors are wearing beards and making stylish choices on the types of beard that they wear. And who doesn’t want to be like them? After all, almost all men have wished to have the greatest beard beards of all time at least once in their lives.
Make a Contest Out of It
One way of getting around this issue is to compare yourself with him. Most men generally like to respond to this sort of thing. Sometimes though, men don’t want to compliment other men because it might be misinterpreted incorrectly.
For example, one could compliment a nice beard or mustache by saying, "I like your beard. I wish mine looked that good.'' Or, "Your mustache is impressive. I want to grow one like that, but my wife would hate it.” Before you know it, you’ll be exchanging grooming tips with each other.
Give Him a Fist Bump
A fist bump is a cool way to signal appreciation for the guy’s beard or share camaraderie for growing facial hair. Or you can even give him a casual nod, then smile, before telling him he has an awesome beard. Anything more than that can make some guys feel uncomfortable.
If you connect and get to converse a bit, you can undoubtedly elaborate. We don’t generally get enough compliments in a day, so we’ll take anything we can get. Kidding aside, sincere compliments will always make our day.
Ask Him How Old His Baby Is
We kid you not. Apparently, among the bearded communities, guys refer to their beards as babies. So when you ask him how old his baby is, you’re asking him how long he has been maintaining his beard. He’ll take that as a compliment and a conversation starter on the many ways he does to maintain his gorgeous beard and might even share some facial hair growth tips.
Grab His Beard
This one is best left for their mother or their kid. Only they can get away with grabbing two fistfuls of his beard while smiling and tugging his face left and right. It’s an embarrassing act of affection that only a loved one can do.
Try doing this to a stranger, and you’d probably get punched. Even worse, you can be dragged to the police station!

Beard Styling Tips
You, too, can have a great beard style that will have everyone’s heads turning. Remember, people, especially women, only seem to like beards when they are clean and groomed properly.
If your beautifully bearded friend has yet to disclose his secrets to sporting a great beard style, do not worry! All you have to do is follow the steps below to know the ins and outs of styling a nice beard.
Choosing Your Beard Shape
It is essential that you assess your face shape to determine which beard shape suits you best.
The first step to finding the proper beard is to know what kind of beard you have in the first place. If you are genuinely dedicated to having a nice beard, all you have to do is lay off the razor for a week and watch how your beard grows.
If you have a patchy beard, we recommend getting stubble. We have an in-depth guide on styling the perfect stubble to avoid looking like a shabby mess. But, if you are one of the blessed guys, you can go ahead and choose your beard shape according to the shape of your face.
Below are the most common types of beards according to face shapes:
Men with a square face shape have sharp features that are hard to miss. But if you choose the wrong beard style, then you can end up hiding your best features instead of highlighting them.
The most complimentary beard styles for a square face shape are those that can accentuate the jawline. Beards like circle beard, royale beard, goatee, and petite goatee all have your cheeks and jaws clear of hair, giving everyone a clear view of how great your jawline is.
If a square face has sharp jawlines that make up for a distinct jawline, the opposite is a round face shape. Men with round faces have wide cheekbones and wide jawbones that make up for the spherical look.
A goatee, Van Dyke, or anything that will bring focus to your chin and the middle or bottom of your face will give an illusion of an elongated face. It will shift the focus on the broad areas of your face, giving it a slimmer fit.
Many consider oval as the perfect face shape where any hair or beard style can look good. It embodies the perfect balance and ratio for your features, wherein your cheekbones are just only a bit wider than your jaw, and your chin is symmetrical in length to your forehead.
When you have an oval-shaped face, you do not really have to worry much about what kind of beard you choose. You can nail just about anything but stay away from growing a full beard, as it can undoubtedly hide your features. Instead, opt for thin beard styles.
Long face
Meanwhile, for those who have a long chin that is not symmetrical to your forehead, what you have is a long face. Men with long chins look best in full beard styles, like a chin strap, covering their jaw area. You can also rock a chevron mustache, sitting above your lips, helping lift up the lengthy chin.
Best Beard Products
Once you have identified your face shape, you can now go and look for the perfect beard style and grow your whiskers accordingly. Finding the best beard care products is one thing you should never take lightly while trying to achieve a nice beard worthy of compliments.
Naked Armor's Grizzly Beard Kit has everything you need to groom and shape your beard any way you want it.
Here are the essentials you need:
Trusty shavette straight razor
A straight razor has the perfect sharpness to give you a clean shave on the areas you need to clear off hair. Also, its straight edge ensures that you get a close shave with the littlest of pressure. For maintaining and grooming a beard, using a shavette straight razor is better because it is significantly smaller than a traditional straight. Hence, you can reach tight areas and still get the same close shave—minus stropping and honing because the blades are replaceable.
Beard styling template
Not everyone has mastered styling their beards, that is why many people go to their barbers to get a professional look. You can practice at home and do it yourself with the help of a beard styling template. It is a great tool for beginners having a hard time creating symmetrical and sharp beard styles.
Shaving/Beard oil
If you are wondering why you are always getting razor burn and bumps, it may be because you are not giving your skin the protection it needs before shaving. That is why you need shaving oil. You can make a DIY shaving oil or get an organic pre-made one with hemp and argan oil. It creates a thin barrier between the skin and the lather, nourishing the surface and your beard as well.
Barber’s scissors
Aside from your razor, a pair of barber’s scissors is also necessary for your beard grooming needs. You can use it to trim strands that are getting too long faster than the others, creating an even-looking nice beard.
Beard brush and comb
Do not forget about getting a beard brush and comb. If your crowning glory needs some combing, your beard does too! Brushing beards help promote beard growth by aiding the shedding of the strands that are already in the resting phase of the beard growth stages.
Beard balm
Here is one beard care product you should always have on hand: beard balm conditioner. Apply the balm every time after you shave to nourish, condition, and tame the hair and skin on your face. The natural ingredients will offer vitamins and nutrients to promote a healthy beard and prevent post-shave skin irritations and beard dandruff.
Here at Naked Armor, we’d like to think that an even better way of complimenting men is to give them a beard grooming kit to make their beards even more awesome. Our Grizzly Beard Grooming Kit has all of the best beard products you need to make a beard magnificent. It’s the perfect gift that will make one’s shaving and grooming experience a luxurious one.
Check our site to see more of our products.
More Naked Armor Reads:
How to Make Your Neckbeards Look Cool
How to Grow Your Beard for Competitive Bearding
How To Trim a Beard with a Straight Razor
Thankyou for this Informative Article. This Article is very Helpful for everyone especially for those who wants to know about beard and beard products
Such an amazing post. Loving so much this article this is so helpful for man shave. Is it possible for stylish men to learn about it?
These tips are useful. Thanks for sharing. for more beard grooming tips I recommend
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