Beard Dandruff Home Remedies - The Ultimate Guide

Beard Dandruff Home Remedies - The Ultimate Guide

Photo by stetsik on Depositphotos

Beard dandruff, or what others call beardruff, is a widespread problem among males. About 1 in 2 bearded men will suffer from dandruff at some point. In the US, online searches for beard dandruff have increased by 347% since 2011. From online forums to medical sites, men leave no stone unturned in their search for remedies to combat the scourge of beardruff.

What Causes Beard Dandruff?

Man scratching his beardA dry, itchy beard is a common sign of beard dandruff caused by dry skin and buildup.
Photo by on Depositphotos

During the winter season, it hits men hard. The cold, dry air outdoors, alternating with the household heating indoors, exacerbates1 the condition. The heat makes the facial hair draw away moisture from the epidermis more quickly than usual, leaving the skin beneath the beard dry and turning into flaky skin. When combined with the dead skin cells and skin grease usually found stuck around the hair shaft, you now have a recipe for a disastrous case of itching and flaking.

It gets worse. In some men, this same condition is conducive to the growth of dandruff-causing fungus. The thicker the beard, the more widespread these yeasts2 become because the beard provides an ideal cover for them from sunlight and the weather.

How to Treat Beard Dandruff?

Not everyone will have the time to go to a dermatologist for a check-up. The good news is, you don’t have to go to a doctor to find relief. Around your home are items that you can use to dispatch the dandruff for good.

We scrounged this list from various online forums and websites, so you don’t have to. Here are the top ways to treat beard dandruff so it doesn’t ruin your beard's A-game.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera has been used throughout the centuries to treat wounds and skin diseases because it has many antibacterial and antioxidant properties3. It also contains Vitamin E, which helps nourish and moisturize the skin and hair.

Applying fresh aloe vera gel on your beard three times a week will help you eliminate the dandruff. Work the gel into the beard and down to the roots. Leave it on for at least five minutes before rinsing it off.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is acidic, which helps balance the pH level of skin afflicted with dandruff. Restoring the natural pH balance of the scalp and skin is essential in keeping off dandruff-causing microorganisms from multiplying. Lemon juice also contains antioxidants and Vitamin C, which nourishes the skin.

Lemon juice works best at treating dandruff when combined with other herbal remedies. If you plan to use it separately, mix two teaspoons of fresh-squeezed juice in 1 cup of warm water. Rub it gently into the beard and scalp. Leave it on for five minutes before rinsing it off. Do this daily until the dandruff is gone.

Sea Salt

While known more for its culinary value, sea salt also has therapeutic benefits that can treat various skin ailments. Sea salt differs from ordinary table salt because it contains more minerals4 essential for healthy skin growth and function. High salt concentrations can generally slow the growth of fungi, so if you use this treatment for beardruff, you can prevent it from getting worse.

Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water. Let it cool to room temperature before rubbing it into the beard and roots. Leave it on for 5-8 minutes before rinsing it with water.


Believe it or not, aspirin is not just for treating headaches. That’s because salicylic acid is a key ingredient in most antifungal medications. It’s also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and exfoliating.

Crush a tablet into powder and dissolve it in a cup of water. Work it into the beard and roots, leaving it on for 10 minutes before rinsing. Be careful, though; some individuals might be allergic to salicylic acid. To check, dab a small amount on one part of your skin. If you see or feel any reaction on the skin after five minutes, then that’s a sure sign your skin is allergic to the compound. Move on to the next remedy instead.

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)

One of the wonders of the botanical world, virgin coconut oil is a beneficial and all-around remedy for most ailments. The term “virgin” refers to how coconut oil is processed. VCO is obtained by cold pressing coconut meat to extract the oil. This results in more vitamin and mineral content and many antioxidants, which are absent when the oil is extracted by heat.

VCO also has antimicrobial5 properties that are very effective against dandruff-causing germs. It also moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Daily VCO applications on affected areas eliminate the itching and flaking. Combined with other herbal treatments, it becomes more potent against dandruff.

Baking Soda

When used in moderate amounts, baking soda can be an effective remedy for beardruff because it’s a natural exfoliant. When you rub it against your scalp, it removes the dandruff flakes while absorbing skin grease.

Too much of it, however, can alter your skin pH, making it unbalanced and allowing more dandruff-causing microorganisms to grow. That’s why it’s best to do this occasionally and with other home-based remedies like lemon6 or apple cider vinegar7.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another popular home remedy for various ailments, apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties, which makes it an excellent treatment for dandruff-causing germs. Since it has acetic acid, it balances out the alkalinity caused by excessive shampoo use. High alkalinity often results in hair dryness and breakage. Using vinegar as a hair rinse can restore normal pH levels to the skin.

If you don’t feel like having a vinegar rinse, apply vinegar to the affected spot with a cotton ball. Leave it on for five minutes and rinse it off. Do this daily.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek is a legume plant that’s traditionally used for herbal medicine8. It’s also a condiment used in Indian cooking. When used as an anti-dandruff remedy, you need to do some work to make an effective treatment.

Soak fenugreek seeds in buttermilk for an hour. Coarsely grind the mixture until it becomes a paste. Rub this paste over the affected scalp. Traditional healers say it will soothe the itching and remove the dandruff flakes.

Raw Honey

If you’ve got some raw honey, you can use it to treat your dandruff. Like everything else on this list, it has anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties to help remedy the itching and flaking. If you don’t mind tasting your beard sweet now and then, this can work for you. You can even try out this homemade recipe9.

Carbonated Water

Washing your beard with carbonated water can help restore your skin’s pH balance to fight off invasions from dandruff-causing fungus. Carbonated water’s pH is similar to that of normal and healthy skin. It stands to reason that restoring the pH balance is essential in strengthening the skin’s defense mechanisms so that the fungus cannot take hold.

Beard Oil

Naked Armor Hemp & Argan Pre Shave Oil (50ml)Naked Armor Hemp & Argan Beard Oil hydrates, protects, and fights beard dandruff.

If you’re not into household remedies, you might want to use beard oil instead. Beard oils are standard grooming products designed to keep the beard soft and hydrated. The best anti-dandruff beard oils are those with natural essential oils such as tea tree, jojoba, or argan. Argan, in particular, is rich in antioxidants, linoleic acid, and omega-6 fatty acids10, which nourish and moisturize the skin.

An argan-based beard oil will hydrate your dry skin while giving it the nourishment it requires to combat dandruff. At Naked Armor, we’ve levelled up our beard oil by infusing it with powerful argan, hemp, and jojoba essential oils. Not only will they eliminate the itching and flaking, but they’ll also nourish your hair so that it grows thick and fabulous. A little bit of this goes a long way; just rub a dab of it into your beard scalp after every shower.

Shaving: The Last Resort for Beard Dandruff

Now, if worse comes to worst, and neither home remedies nor beard oil will do the trick, you have no choice but to shave your beard off. Yeah, we know it sucks, dude, but in cases like these, you need to treat the underlying skin condition first before you gotta have an awesome beard. Once the condition has calmed down and the skin has renewed, you can return to growing your beard with a vengeance.

Always use a straight razor to shave the beard off. High-quality straight razors are very sharp and easy to shave with, minimizing the friction between the blade and skin. You don’t need to aggravate your dandruff-plagued skin by settling for a cheap cartridge razor or a disposable. For best results, always use a Naked Armor straight razor. We don’t scrimp on quality; we guarantee a luxurious shaving experience.

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  1. Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d). Dandruff. Mayo Clinic.
  2. Kuoppala, A. (2020, October 23). 7 Effective Methods to Conquer Beard Dandruff (Quick & Simple Hacks). Beard Resource.
  3. Leech, J. (2023, November 20). What are the benefits of aloe vera? Medical News Today.
  4. Loux, R. (2014, October 24). 9 Genius Ways To Use Sea Salt For Prettier Skin And Hair. Prevention.
  5. Shilling, M., Matt, L., Rubin, E., Visitacion, M. P., Haller, N. A., Grey, S. F., & Woolverton, C. J. (2013, December 13). Antimicrobial effects of virgin coconut oil and its medium-chain fatty acids on Clostridium difficile. Journal of Medicinal Food, 16(12), 1079–1085.
  6. Mishra, S. (2025, March 21). How To Use Baking Soda For Dandruff. StyleCraze.
  7. Scaccia, A. (2018, July 10). What You Need to Know About Using Baking Soda on Your Hair. Healthline.
  8. Mawer, R. (2025, March 5). What to Know About the Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects of Fenugreek. Healthline.
  9. Jackson, K. (2015, March 26). Defeat Dandruff With These Natural Home Remedies. Bustle.
  10. Patterson, S. (2016, August 23). 9 Reasons You Should Start Using Argan Oil On Your Hair. Natural Living Ideas.

1 comment

  • Naiym

    A lot of men face the problem of hair fall, especially those who are over 30 years old. Blackwood for men makes my scalp feel way hydrating (google it. You can find them on Costco)

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